Comprehensive Water Solutions: O&M Services, Expert Consultancy, and Specialized HVAC Flushing
Ensuring Optimal Performance and Environmental Compliance through Operation & Maintenance, Strategic Consultancy, and Advanced HVAC Flushing Services
We undertake Operation & Maintenance of all kind of water & waste water Treatment plants as per the client requiremnt, with the back of process Engineers, chemical supply and Labouratory testing services
We undertake O&M for
- Sewage Treatment plants
- Industrial Effluent Treatment plants
- RO plants
- DM plants
WB Consultancy
we provide consultancy services and solutions for all kind water & waste water requirements.
Our solutions shall be based on the detailed field study and understanding the customer requirements.
WB HVAC Flushing
Planning and execution of flushing is an essential pre-requisite to any effective chemical treatment program for Chilled/Condenser Water. we provide HVAC flushing for the following purposes
- To remove system contaminants and construction debris
- Removal of iron particles, suspended matter
- Preventing corrosion and microbiological fouling.
- For future control of corrosion inside the pipelines
- To control fungus and bacterial development inside the pipes.
WB Membrane Cleaning and Biopsy
We provide membrane cleaning solutions for UF/RO membranes